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The Duke Gets Desperate (Sirens in Silk, #1)The Duke Gets Desperate (Sirens in Silk, #1)

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Book Descriptions :

Diana Quincy returns with a steamy affair between an Arab-American woman who inherits a run-down castle in the English countryside and the duke who asserts the castle is his, in the first book in a brand-new Victorian historical romance series.Anthony Cary, Duke of Strickland, inherits his spendthrift father's title and can finally restore the family castle to its former glory. But at the reading of the will, Strick is stunned to learn that his father has secretly disentailed him, leaving the family manor--home to twelve generations of dukes--to Strick's American stepmother. Everyone knows Strick detests the dowager duchess, and when she dies mysteriously, damning rumors start to surface.When Raya Darwish unexpectedly inherits her glamorous late cousin's castle in the English countryside, she clashes with the charismatic young duke who insists the castle is rightfully his. The estate is practically bankrupt, so she must find a way to work with the duke in order to save both of their .

Book Details :

Author : Diana Quincy

Pages : 375 pages

Publisher :

Language : eng

ISBN-10 : 75490858-the-duke-gets-desperate

ISBN-13 : 9780063247499


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