Now You Access Where the Dead Sleep (Ben Packard #2)

Where the Dead Sleep (Ben Packard #2)Where the Dead Sleep (Ben Packard #2)

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Book Descriptions :

A small town's dark secrets turn deadly...When an early morning call brings Deputy Ben Packard to the scene of a home invasion, he finds Bill Sandersen shot in his bed. Bill was a well-liked local who chased easy money his whole life, leaving bad debts and broken hearts in his wake. Everyone Packard talks to has a story about Bill, but no one has a clear motive for wanting him dead. The business partner. The ex-wife. The current wife. The high-stakes poker buddies. Any of them?or none of them?could be guilty.As the investigation begins, tragedy strikes the Sheriff's department, forcing Packard to make a difficult choice about his future: step down as acting Sheriff and pursue the quiet life he came to Sandy Lake in search of, or subject himself to the scrutiny of an election for the full-time role of Sheriff, a job he's not sure he wants.There's a hidden history to Sandy Lake that Packard, ever the outsider, can't see. Bad blood and old secrets run deep. But an attempt on Packard's .

Book Details :

Author : Joshua Moehling

Pages : 350 pages

Publisher : Poisoned Pen Press

Language : eng

ISBN-10 : 62060942-where-the-dead-sleep

ISBN-13 : 9781728247922


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