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One NightOne Night

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Book Descriptions :

One night. That's all the time a family has to decide what to do with the man they believe murdered their daughter: Do they forgive him, or take justice into their own hands? An electrifying novel by the author of Nanny Needed. . .The anonymous letters arrive in the mail, one by one: To find out what really happened to Meghan, meet at this location. Don't tell anyone you're coming. In one night, you'll find out everything you need to know.Ten years after her murder, the letters tell Meghan's family exactly when and where to meet: a cliffside home on the Oregon coast. But on the night they're promised answers, the convicted killer--her high school boyfriend, Cal, who spent only ten years in prison for murder--is found unconscious in his car, slammed into a light pole near the house where the family is sitting and waiting. Is he the one who invited them to gather?As a storm rampages along the Pacific Northwest, the power cuts off and leaves the family with no chance of returning to the .

Book Details :

Author : Georgina Cross

Pages : pages

Publisher :

Language : eng

ISBN-10 : 61021927-one-night

ISBN-13 : 9780593496893


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