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A Smile in a WhisperA Smile in a Whisper

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Book Descriptions :

NOT ALL FAREWELLS ARE FOREVER?Evie Sutherland throws herself into everything. Like many on Scotland?s picturesque Orkney Islands, she works several jobs: managing her family?s shop, researching genealogy for tourists, and writing historical romance novels. Evie aces most challenges?except love. With a childhood diagnosis of Crohn?s disease and a disastrous dating history, Evie has convinced herself that guys won?t date the ?sick girl? and the blame falls on the shoulders of her first love, a famous boy from London who spent his summers on her island.To the outside world, Nikolai Balfour lives a charmed life. Starring in a popular British TV series as a teen, young Nick stole fans? hearts from the Isle of Wight to Shetland. However, that was a lifetime ago, and the years since have been filled with ?Didn?t you used to be?? moments, career wrong-turns, and empty relationships. Now finding success behind the cameras, Nick is still racked with regret and guilt over how things ended with .

Book Details :

Author : Jacquelyn Middleton

Pages : pages

Publisher : Kirkwall Books

Language : eng

ISBN-10 : 123412051-a-smile-in-a-whisper

ISBN-13 : 9781999275341


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