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Camden (Pittsburgh Titans, #8)Camden (Pittsburgh Titans, #8)

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Book Descriptions :

Camden Poe is the last of The Lucky Three , the surviving Pittsburgh Titans who weren?t on the team plane the night it went down. By all outward appearances, he?s adjusted to post-crash life well but inside he?s wrestling with the guilt of living.The catastrophe that killed the Pittsburgh Titans changed my entire world. My teammates were more than my friends?they were my brothers. I mourned their loss with the rest of the nation but then I did as I?ve been taught? I moved on. I focused on returning to the ice with the newly rebuilt team and put the tragedy behind me. Considering the circumstances, I adjusted well. Or so I thought. Now I?m plagued by nightmares of the crash and my play has suffered as a result. Facing the possibility of losing my place on the team, I need to pull myself together and fast.My buddy and linemate, Mitch Brandt died in the crash, leaving his wife Danica and son Travis behind to pick up the pieces of their shattered family. After reconnecting with Danica at .

Book Details :

Author : Sawyer Bennett

Pages : pages

Publisher :

Language :

ISBN-10 : 178597568-camden

ISBN-13 : 9798376553862


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